The blown speaker is an unwelcome annoyance resulting in poor sound quality or no audio at all. Many surefire signs of a blown speaker include distorted sound, hissing, lack of vibration, impedance, and audible rattling,
Of all the aforementioned signs, the sound quality lets you easily detect a problem and assess whether it is a malfunction of some kind or something serious like a blown speaker.
What Does a Blown Speaker Sound Like?
Mostly, blown speakers produce fuzzy, distorted, crunchy sounds and are not able to duplicate the signal sent through them.
Other common aural indications of a blown speaker are buzzing, scratching, and faint sound not at the pitch the speaker is directed to reproduce.
Depending on how the speaker is blown, a person will hear different types of unpleasant sounds or no sound at all.
Torn or damaged cone or voice coil results in a blown speaker and ultimately, distorted sound or loss of sound.
Initially, the difference in the audio quality is minor or barely noticeable, however, the minor rip on the cone usually worsens with time, therefore, catch it before it becomes worse.
The sound of a blown speaker is a telltale sign as it varies from light scratching, heavy buzzing to zilch.
The internal components of most high-end speakers can be replaced to fix the sound issues and any damage to the critical parts.
Do Blown Speakers Produce Sound?
Though it is not always the case, blown speakers generate scratching and unpleasant sounds. A partially blown speaker will reproduce astatic or fuzzy sound whereas a fully blown speaker will deliver no sound at all but distortion.
A partially blown speaker only distorts at specific frequencies, for instance, loud levels.
Depending on the extent of damage, a person will hear distortion, hisses, pops, and scratches. Blown speakers may produce faint audio, no sound at all, or only emit sound at particular frequencies.
How to Know if the Speakers Are Blown Out?
It is easy to tell whether the speaker is blown or not without taking it apart or unscrewing the exterior to check for broken or damaged components.
Sometimes the damage is visible whereas barely noticeable, at other times. Dirt or water insertion in the speaker can also cause distortion to the speaker. In some circumstances, the distortion is so subtle that it confuses the listener whether the speaker needs some fixing or not.
Some of the symptoms of blown speakers are
Sound Quality – The first indicator of a blown speaker is a noticeable difference in sound quality resulting in distorted sound, hissing, fuzzing, or no noise at all.
Other Unpleasant Sounds – Blown speakers can also be identified when you hear popping and rattling instead of music. It can also be characterized by a lack of bass, treble, mid-tones, or vibration.
Damaged Cone – If the cone is damaged, torn, or pulled apart, it will result in an uncomfortable, unpleasant sound.
The unmistakable buzz is tough to miss and likely stems from damaged or loose voice coils. There could be a variety of reasons that these speakers underperform and many ways to fix them.